Manfred Paul - Pictures, Art, Photography

Manfred Paul

Background Information about Manfred Paul


Manfred Paul’s special affinity for the photography of the 1920s shows itself in his early works. The desire to project a subjective feeling onto the object, to interpret the subject accordingly and thus define reality anew, came about later. Paul dips into time and holds onto moments of transience and fragility. He has become a master of harmony for whom the presentation of the subjective stands stronger in the foreground than the image of an objective reality. Dominating his work are extravagant, but also entirely balanced compositions that lead to surprising new interpretations. Paul wants to capture the elusiveness of a feeling or thought – moments that he answers with beauty and respect. With his pronounced appreciation for classic image language, Paul makes unusual works that float between yesterday and today. To engage with the pictures in this case means to ask the question of origins. Manfred Paul is also a professor at the Fachhochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft in Berlin.


1942Born in Schraplau
1968Photo lab technician
 Stagehand, director's assistant, theater photographer, camerawork
1964-1974Photography studies in Leipzig
 Camerawork studies in Potsdam-Babelsberg
 Teaching at the Film School Potsdam-Babelsberg and Munich
 Leipzig Academy, Dresden Academy, Berlin Academy
 Lecturer in photography at the FWG
1995Professor for photography at the FHTW Berlin
 Lives and works in Berlin


Altes Museum, Berlin
Neue Berlinische Galerie, Berlin
Ludwig Collection, Cologne
Bibliothèque National, Paris
Musée Elyseé, Lausanne
Kupferstichkabinett, Dresden
Michéle et Michel Auer Collection, Swizerland
Durrenberger Extremis Collection, Strasbourg


2005 Polaroid als Geste (Polaroid as gesture), Museum for Photography Braunschweig
Aletheia, 10 Poets 10 Photographers 10 Books, Städisches Museum Jena
Utopie und Wirklichkeit/Ostdeutsche Fotografie (Utopia and Reality/East German Photography), Willy Brandt Haus, Berlin
2004 Utopie und Wirklichkeit (Utopia and Reality), Photography Forum, Köln,
2003Gallery argus fotokunst, Berlin,
 Wollhalle Güstrow
 Gallery Falkenbunnen, Dresden
2001Dom zu Schwerin
 Gallery Herzattacke, Berlin
2000Gallery Sabine Aurich-Rogge, Dresden/Medingen
1999Gallery Kafka, Schwerin
1998Gallery argus fotokunst, Berlin
 Gallery S. Aurich-Rogge, Dresden/Medingen
 regard croisés Berlin Arc et Senans, Institut Claude-Niclas-Ledoux, France
1996Guardini Stiftung e. V. Berlin, Berlin
 Kopenhagen Kunsthalle (aus Kulturhauptstadt Europas)
 Raab Gallery, Berlin
1995Kulturbrauerei, Berlin
1994Mies van der Rohe Haus, Berlin
 Gallery Bodo Niemann, Berlin
1992Gallery S.Göpfert, Munich
1990Gallery Agathe Gaillard, Paris
 Berlinische Galerie, Berlin
 Musée de l´Elysée, Lausanne
 Strasbourg, Stadthalle, Strasbourg
 Musée Wartha, Wartha, Schweiz
1989Fotografen der DDR (Photographers of the GDR) - Schwerin Art Collections, Schwerin
1988Musée Albi, France
1987New Dehli, cultural center
 Prater Gallery, Berlin
 Musée de Beaux Arts d´Orleans, Orleans
1986Kulturzentrum, Buenos Aires
1985Centre Culturel, Cherbourg, France
 Brandenburg Art Collections, Cottbus
1983Europäische Fotografie (European Photography), Bugünün Avrupa,Sanat Ortami, Ankara
1982Gallery of the Photography Association, Bucharest
 Gallery of the Photography Association, Timisoara
1980Gallery der LVF, Kaunas
 Gallery der LVF, Vilnius
1979Fotografie in der DDR (Photography in the GDR), Stadthalle, Cologne-Gürzenbach
1978Rome, Centro Culturale, Italy
 Campen Arts, London
1976Stadthalle, Saint Denis, France
1975FWG, Berlin
1974Kunstkabinett, Erfurt