Joe Bunni - Pictures, Art, Photography

Joe Bunni

Background Information about Joe Bunni


Although Joe Bunni’s education lies in dentistry, he feels at home in the oceans of the world, where he encounters wild polar bears, walruses, and tiger sharks. Bunni does not shy away from getting up close and personal with these unpredictable animals.

This brings him to impressive and highly empathetic photographs distinguished by their clear composition. Bunni shows us a polar bear in its natural habitat, its fur a glistening contrast of blue and white. Although Bunni was once attacked by a walrus, he does not have any qualms about this work environment. “Once you’re in the water, you realize it is not as dangerous as the myths would have you believe.”

Bunni has a higher goal, using his breathtaking photography to advocate for environmental protection. Part of the proceeds go directly to his SOS Océans foundation, which uses exhibitions, publications, and talks to call for protecting the oceans. With his work, Bunni wants to reveal the beauty of our planet to spread his message. “Everything must be done to protect the underwater world, for our children, for our grandchildren, for all of humanity.”


Famous wildlife photographer Joe Bunni was born in Egypt and grew up near the sea in Kuwait. In 2007, his first photo book, The Impressionist of the Sea, was published. His second book, +/- Five Meters, was given to the heads of state at the G20 summit in 2011. Bunni was named BBC’s Wildlife Photographer of the Year in 2011. He lives in Paris and was recently featured in a documentary on the German/French television station ARTE called “5 Meters Above and Below the Ocean’s Surface”.